In a rural pastoral back ground in the remote area of Konaseema, MVN JS & RVR College of Arts & Science, with BA., B.Sc. and B.Com faculties was started by the Antervedipalem Firka Development Trust, Malikipuram, in the year 1972. The college has been developed gradually and got the appreciation of the general public, Affiliating universities Andhra University(upto 2012) and Adikavi Nannaya University (From 2013 onwards) and Government authorities for its discipline, result and maintenance. The college was recognised by UGC under section 2(f) in 1981 and section 12(B) in 1979.
The college has buildings of 32 rooms in one block and 12 rooms in another block, besides the accommodation for the High School and Junior college separately. The college has a good library building separately with nearly 17140 books and 38 journals for issue to the students.